
01 Introduction to the Ship

Welcome aboard the Training Ship Cuauhtemoc, Ambassador and Knight of the Seas. Since this is a ship with various maneuvers and limited space on the scales, I kindly ask you to be very careful when moving around during this visit to the different decks.

Next, we will tell you a bit about the history of this vessel: For over 41 years, the Training Ship Cuauhtemoc has sailed the oceans and seas of the world, participating in the training of more than forty generations and exalting the seafaring spirit of captains, officers, cadets, and enlisted personnel, as well as guests from other institutions and navies of friendly countries, in the most solid of maritime traditions: the one that bets on sails and ropes, knows the skies, and sets the course with a sextant, and above all, is capable of creating a union where the values of honor, duty, loyalty, and patriotism merge, following the teachings and traditions that have been instilled from generation to generation.

The Training Ship Cuauhtemoc (BE-01) of the Mexican Navy was built by Astilleros y Talleres de Celaya S.A., in Bilbao, Spain.

This project by naval engineer Juan Jose Alonso Verastegui began with the laying of the keel on July 24, 1981. A year later, on July 29, 1982, at the dock of Santurce, Bilbao, it was delivered to its first crew, becoming Mexican as it proudly raised the national flag.

This is a three-masted barque, and later, during the tour, there will be an opportunity to see each of them in more detail.